A small bit of history…

A small bit of history…

I found a keyring yesterday, in my dear friend Katrina’s house, some months after her passing. A timely reminder of the last 25+ years worth of work, where it started, the original concept and how (I hope) it is still relevant. 

A small bit of history

 In those heady days of the mid 90’s the internet was still an unknown for most people, and my ideas of computing as an aid to assist people throughout their days was essentially unknown. It reminds me of that key ethos, and how this is more attainable now than ever before. Through IoT, SmartHome, AI, Social Networking and more the levelling of access to quality computing has moved from giant machines, through the PC age to small handheld devices that Douglas Adams could only have dreamt of. And did. So, today I take the timely reminder, and try to post notes, ideas and articles that may or may not help. But I do so with a nod and a wink to Katrina, who taught me so much from her most human angle and beyond.





https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-66203549I've been using this for about 8 years now, and would be totally lost without it. They do seem to have a particular issue with their software though, especially on big upgrades such as the one this week which offers...
Virgin Media and the lost services
 A while back I noticed the service from Virgin Media was getting worse. Throughout lockdown it had been reasonably reliable, just a couple of outages. Nothing major. Later I noticed BT Openreach were installing fibre in our area, and decided this might be a better...

Our Kitchen Remodel

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https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-66203549I've been using this for about 8 years now, and would be totally lost without it. They do seem to have a particular issue with their software though, especially on big upgrades such as the one this week which offers...

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https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-66203549I've been using this for about 8 years now, and would be totally lost without it. They do seem to have a particular issue with their software though, especially on big upgrades such as the one this week which offers...

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Virgin Media and the lost services

Virgin Media and the lost services

 A while back I noticed the service from Virgin Media was getting worse. Throughout lockdown it had been reasonably reliable, just a couple of outages. Nothing major. Later I noticed BT Openreach were installing fibre in our area, and decided this might be a better...

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